Sunday, May 27, 2012

Past Few Weeks

I know I said I wanted to join Nuffnang's contest, "My Sexy Revolution Starts Now" because it's just so ME. But then I got busy, no time to work on it and then one boring day, I tried to search the entries for the contest and saw a lot of entries that were really good and I realized a lot of things:

  1. I'm not the only one who is suffering from body image issues. A lot of the girls are actually like me! 
  2. There are more women who have tried a lot of diet and failed too.
  3. Women People are superficial. HEHE! Everybody wants to be beautiful, if you can do something about it, why not? Don't we all do the same? Don't tell me you don't because why is it that you wake up everyday and try to dress up into something beautiful? Simply because you want to look good. Everybody does.
So I decided to not join the contest anymore because:
  1. I'm lazy.
  2. They have more interesting stories than I do.
  3. I'm not competitive enough.
  4. I just want to blog about random tings I like to blog about.
  5. I'll just join some other contests next time. 
So now that I have one less topic to write about. Which I don't really care because I still have so much to write about. I completely lost effort in completing the 30 day blog challenge, but I will finish it even though it completely lost the whole point of finishing it in 30 days. Some topics were just plain boring, redundant and things I don't really feel like talking about. (That was me trying to make an excuse why I failed to complete the challenge.) 

Anyway, my sister, Patricia/Caps/Kapo is now back in Manila. The airport scene was so dramatic. We all sent her to the airport to say goodbye and she cried. I nearly cried too but I had to stop myself because there were a lot of people there and I was so shy to be all dramatic but deep inside, I cried. I will definitely miss her. 

Oh well, I'm back to being alone most of the time. :/ It's totally fine but sometimes it gets boring. HUHU

I wanted to post photos I took with my phone so badly but I keep forgetting was too busy and now that I remembered have free time, I can now blog about it. YAY!

Boring picture but it's rare that I have one of these just because. 
I don't eat much instant noodles because they are high in calories, high in sodium and unhealthy. So not worth the guilt! Next, please. 

Old Town White Coffee supply from Kk, the Singaporean guy.

I don't know if this actually tastes good because when I drink it, I put only half of the packet in my cup because I'm trying to cut off on calories and I don't get to enjoy the full flavor of the coffee. :( The last time I tried making this using the full packet, it was good but I don't remember the smell/taste anymore!

Improvising much. 

My Snickers melted from the summer heat and I wanted to eat it so bad so we tied it in the aircon with a cable tie. The Snickers gone, the cable tie still connected yo the aircon.


Mommy visited le daughters!

Celebrated Mother's day with my mom! (DUH?) I am so happy I got to celebrate mother's day with my mom because we live ±351 miles away (distance of Manila and Cebu. Information easily Google-able. I know Google-able doesn't even exist but I like to use it. ) from each other and she recently visited us for almost 2 weeks. SO HAPPY!!

Look how cool my eyeglasses are! They're EYEglasses not SUNglasses!
These are the new eyeglasses my mom brought for me! It has UV protection so it turns darker when you are exposed to sunlight/UV rays. I will tell you more about it if I know details about it. For now, I'll leave you in awe, like I still am every time I see it turns dark. :)  I can't actually feel it turning darker but you can see it in your reflection. It's not like you're suddenly wearing shades but my eyes doesn't hurt so much from the sunlight anymore. I feel so cool in these, really. So I no longer hate myself for having a poor vision because I enjoy these so much. HAHAHA!!

Exactly the same pair. Amazed yet? Okay, I'm so shallow and I'm trying to brag convince you how amazing these are. 

HOHOHO. Shallow ko but forgive me, I'm super giddy about my glasses!! 

It's a package!

My beautiful girlfriend, Sarah sent me this! Inside is a Catching Fire book. I had to borrow from her because it's still out-of-stock here in Cebu. The generous girl sent me my own copy as a belated birthday gift! I was so shocked and shy when I opened it and found a new copy but thanks, girl.

Did you know?? 

Someday, when Sarah and I are filthy rich and don't have to worry about money making anymore and we have all the free time in our hands we're going to build a book reading club. Who's interested? If that time comes, maybe after 30 or more years(?), if I still keep this blog, I'll tell you and join us maybe?

Catching Fire, finally! 

 I'm still in the first few pages because I was too busy I couldn't find time to read and Kapo was keeping me busy at night. I can't read with distractions because I keep myself focused just like when I'm watching something.

One of the things that make me happy!
If you follow me on twitter (if you don't, why aren't you? go follow!) maybe you already read some of my tweets about one of the things that makes me happy! Unleaded gas is having price roll backs almost every other day! Up to date, the lowest I've seen so far is Php 49.13 as of May 25, 2012. These prices are from Shell in SRP, Cebu.

UPDATE: As of June 2, 2012, the price of Unleaded gas is still 49.13. Don't ask me about the other gas prices cos I don't even bother to look.

I might be obsessed with gas price roll backs.

Last Saturday, May 19, was Kapo's last available weekend here in Cebu so we went to the beach so she could experience Cebu beach before going back to Manila. We stayed at Movenpick Resort and Spa. 

The only beach photo I took using my phone. 

The only self photo I took using my phone.

Obviously, my cellphone camera is not of good quality but I love it anyway! My cellphone, not the camera. On second thought, I want a new point and shoot camera. I want better looking pictures! Haaaay, le poor Anita needs to save up.

Shelves shopping

These were the shelves I liked while window shopping for an office book shelf! I got the one on the lower right because it's the one I liked the most. It's big and relatively cheaper than the others I saw.

Kapo's last day!! HUHUHU! We had lunch at Cafe Laguna because Kapo wanted to try out their Crispy Pata before she go home.

I swear my eye bags are so scary.

I look scary in the last picture and I say that in my most sincere tone and I'm not trying to fish for compliments but you don't have to agree with me either.

We are wearing Cover Girl's Lip Perfection Lip Colour in Fairytale. Click here for swatches. It is a bright pink shade after all! It looked subtle pink in the tube. :/

 We took a lot of photos (see above) while waiting to be seated because she (Patricia) wanted to tweet it but we failed to take a good looking picture until we gave up and said that we won't care how we look like anymore so the next picture we take will be the one she'll tweet and TADAH.....

The picture was so blury but we didn't care anymore since we were so tired already. Problems of people who weren't born photogenic!! I said that because I believe we do look better in personal. (AS IF)

This blog post took me hours to finish. 5 or more hours? A for effort so like my post for appreciation, ha!!! Just kidding. I just want to know if people actually reads my crappy posts. Hoho.



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