Friday, July 20, 2012

Crazy Crazy

When was the last time I had free time in my hands to actually write something worth reading? I don't remember. But this one is an exception. I'm not supposed to blog right now, I'm supposed to finish the heaps load of work I'm piled with but instead I am here writing since I can't concentrate on work. I'm having a serious mental block right now. I do not know where to start because I'm just preoccupied with a lot of stuff right now. Plus I'm a bit pressured because my sister's coming over to check the works I should be finished by now. GAAAH!

Not that i'm not doing anything at work. It's just that there are so much stuff to do I can't even start with the other stuff I need to finish. :|

Blahblahblah totally ranting.

My best friend, Mallow came here to visit last Sunday to Wednesday and it felt like the best four days of my life. Eksaherada. Maybe I just miss having friends around. I miss going out at night and just hanging out. I am so burnt out from work lately.

Monday, July 2, 2012

What the fuck is wrong with me? Seriously?

I think something is seriously wrong with me. Took the weekend off by going to the beach with my friend Nica and her cousins but all the time I was dreaming of work. SERIOUSLY ALL THE TIME. I dream of work while taking my afternoon naps and at night I still dream about work. OMG.

It's not fun at all. :(