1.) I loved the movie and I'm glad that I haven't read the book because then I might be just like my friend, Faith, who read the book and got disappointed with the movie. The book will always just be better than the movie and so I learned my lesson to not read the book first and I'm glad I didn't. In that case, there are no expectations so there will be no disappointments. Don't we all know that disappointments come from expectations. (CHAR)
I really loved the movie and I have kind of high standards (char again) when it comes to liking movies. I don't just like all movies. I find a lot of movies boring and disappointing but this one is good. I rate it 9 stars out of 10. 9 because I didn't have someone to cuddle with during the movie (3rd char). HA HA HA. Honestly, I don't mind watching movies alone but I'm glad I went with my friends this time. I now get why my nephew Andre can't stop obsessing about the movie!!!!!! He wants to watch it again and I think I want to watch it again too. Just like Catching Fire. I was so impressed with the movie I had to watch it twice in the cinema. Heehee. Fangirl here.
2.) Today is Monday and I'm so happy because there are a lot of things to be happy about. :D I can't believe how great law of attraction works for me every.single.time. I was just thinking about how much I wanted to get something that I thought was not going to happen anytime soon but just as I started thinking about it and how much I wanted/needed it, it sure came! I didn't have to look for it. It came knocking at my door. So that's one! I mean the wonder of law of attraction not what I attracted. LOL. It's pretty shallow so no need to talk about it so much!
3.) My legs are so sore which is good because that only means that I had a good workout yesterday. I'm happy because I'm finally doing something about my forever rant and this time, I think I will succeed. :D
4.) I had a weird craving this morning. I'm craving for cold cold beer. I've been wanting to drink since last Saturday night but then I got lazy so nothing happened. Also, I'm trying to cut down my alcohol intake since I'm trying to lose weight. Last night, we all had one bottle of beer each to "celebrate" the start of our first day of "training" together. It was a lot of fun though now that I think of it. hehe I have delayed reaction. Took me almost 24 hours to realize how much fun I had. Anywaaaaay, was craving for beer this morning. Really craving. LIKE I-WANT-TO-DRINK-BEER-SO-BAD kind of craving. I think it's my PMS but it's just so weird that I crave for beer like my liver just couldn't wait for it's reunion with alcohol.
5.) My dinner is served but I'm still full and is procrastinating not to eat it yet but I need to hurry cos I need to leave home in 15mins. I wonder how I'll be able to fit eat, shower, get ready all in 15 mins. Maybe it'll help if I stop blogging. So yeah, I guess this is bye!!
6.) PS. I'm still addicted to Find You by Zedd because it's one of Divergent's soundtrack and just because!!
In a hurry,
You're too cute!!! LOL-ing @ "took me 24 hours to realize that I had fun" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA forever hilarious! Luffyew