Saturday, April 14, 2012

Day 08: What's in my handbag/purse

Day 8 of my 30 day blog challenge.

I'm a little behind with all these everyday posts. :))

This is what my bag used to look like before I decided that it needs to be organized. Poor bag.

I try my best to make my bag as organized as possible but it gets messy as days pass. Well anyway, this is the bag I use everyday. I love this bag so much. I can put as much things as I want and I still manage to find my things easily without having to rummage to the mess inside. Unlike all the other bags I used which takes me so much time looking for something-- I seem to always have a hard time locating my room keys, car key, parking tickets and things I need to get while walking.  But with this bag, I can easily locate my things in a snap.

Bag my lovely sister gave me :) Been using this almost everyday since I received it. 

Of course, these are the items I decided that should stay in my purse, after decluttering.

1.) Case for my eyeglasses.
I don't even know why I bring this with me since I wear my eyeglasses all the time. I just like carrying a lot of things with me, in case of emergencies.

Oh, now I remember, I bring this with me so I can bring my eyeglasses with me for when I wear contact lenses which happens only 1/10 of the time. I only wear contact lenses on special occasions.

2.) Makeup kit.
I don't always bring a makeup kit with me because I do my makeup at home but this was the makeup I brought with me when my family went to Ilocos last holy week.

3.) Wallet
I am not physically attracted with my wallet because I personally like small cutesy wallets rather than these long wallets. I actually have a reason for not replacing this though. It's because it gives me more money! This wallet was a "despedida" gift from my sister Joanna before I left for Cebu and I noticed that it never runs out of money. Have you ever had a wallet like that? Whenever I spend, money just finds it way back to me. :) It's such a lucky charm so I don't want to replace it just yet. Maybe I'll just keep 2 wallets. :)

4.) Lotion
I almost always have a lotion or hand salve with me but i don't use it much but I don't want to remove it either. I wonder why I keep irrelevant stuff in my purse? hmm. I just feel like I'm going to need it on days I feel my hands or elbows are extra dry.

And I have more than 1. Others did not make it to the picture though.

5.) Wide tooth comb
Very handy.

6.) iPhone
Since I got back my Blackberry, my iPhone has become an extra phone again but I still bring it with me wherever because I use it as an iPod and for Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. It doesn't have a simcard because I don't like maintaining 2 numbers.

7.) Blackberry
I personally like iPhone better but Blackberry keeps me updated all the time. I need it's BB service for my work so I can receive emails all the time even when I'm on-the-go. Oh, and I love BBM.

8.) Planner
Pat gave me this planner last Christmas. Thank you!! I love bringing my planner everywhere with me. You never know when you'll need it.

I bring my chargers with me most of the time

9.) Chargers
I bring my phone chargers with me most of the time because we all know how smart phones' battery life are.

10.) Junks/Receipts

We all have accumulated receipts that piles up.

11.) Camera

Camera and video cam in 1. I love taking videos. :)
PS I don't know how to fix the orientation of this picture. This will do. :p

I almost forgot my camera since this was what I used to take the pictures of the items above. Hihi. :">
I don't love taking pictures but I made a promise to myself to give photography a chance. I always bring this with me but I still forget to use this to take pictures. I love taking food photos using my phone though. I love Instagram-ing food. I think everybody loves taking pictures of food. Just an observation.

What's in yours?




  1. I loved what I just read. It was super interesting. I envy you because you can put things this much in your bag. As for me my bag will only be full during school days where I need to bring heaps of big and heavy books. That's also my problem because whenever books exist in my bag I have no room for other things like my make-up kit,planner,eyeglass case and etc. Lucky you find the bag that really suits you because like you sometimes I have a hard time getting things from my bag specially when I am walking. :)

    1. It's really hard to get things from your bag while walking that's why I super like this bag. :) About putting so much things in my bag, it gets really heavy at times. I even bring 2 books with me sometimes. LOL
