Thursday, July 31, 2014

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Sarah and I on our next lives

I don't know when it started but I can't believe that I've turned into a cat lady.

I was never an animal person. My friends with pets know this because I'm one of those annoying friends who harass their pets semi-physically by shoo-ing them away and verbally abuse them telling them how ugly they are (the pets) which always ends up with my friends secretly hating me. :3

But the wheel has turned and everything has changed because I super find cats adorable and I want to own one. I can not wait for me to become an official cat lady when I finally have my own cat only God knows when.

One of those days

The only problem we ever face are the ones we inflict to ourselves and the ones inflicted to us by people who we care about or those who we think we care about.

I had a conversation with the bestie (who's still the most amazing person I know) about how guys lure you into liking them but drops you off as soon as you show emotions. WHAT THE FUCK?! Whoever gave these people permission to ever play with people's feelings. It's just so complicated. Everything is just so complicated.

1.) You want so badly to know a person because you find her interesting. WAY TOO INTERESTING than all of the other girls you've ever met. 
2.) The more you know her the more you like her and the more you want to go to deep conversations with her which leads you two having mutual admiration for each other. Even though these things are left unsaid, it's just way too obvious for you to even try to deny it. 
3.) Guy starts to back off when girl starts showing emotions. 

I know all the bullshit guys have to say about this situation but sometimes it just gets too frustrating to be able to feel so much attraction for a person only finding them to pull away just because you are showing real emotions that maybe and just maybe this could be something special. Maybe not forever but something special. Something real enough to actually hurt them and not just the superficial benefits given by cheap thrills of attraction or maybe we will never know or maybe they are just saving us and themselves from going through all the unnecessary dramas that they weren't ready for in the first place. 

PIECE OF ADVICE GUYS: DO NOT GET INVOLVE WITH ANY GIRL IF YOU DO NOT WANT DRAMAS because it's a package. The joy they give you comes with the unnecessary dramas whether you like it or not. 

Thoughts are obviously not coherent because I'm still struggling with the pains of falling with your face flat and having your right boob to cushion the fall.

Just another rant.

Some things are left unsaid but never unfelt and I quote "That's the thing about pain, it demands to be felt." and sometimes you just have to suck things up. Actions have consequences and this time I have no escape. I have no choice but to face it. It's just that people grow and priorities change and it's just not what I'm looking for anymore.