Wednesday, January 1, 2014


New year, new hopes. The new year brings so much hope for everyone. It's a fresh start to those who've had such a bad year and an even greater start to those who've had a good year.

2013 was a very good year for me. Thinking about the year is starting to make me teary. Im starting to become so emotional that I want to start writing about it.

Year 2013 is my turning point year. It's my coming of age year. I was such a different person when 2013 started. I've changed so much this year. I can proudly say that I've become a better version of myself. Physically, I gained so much weight but mentally, I gained so much wisdom.

I'm so happy with who I have become and I can only thank the people who has been there for me and with me through all these changes. I feel like I'm a tougher person now. I will no longer deal with people's BS. So if you are an old acquaintance or friend of mine who Ill stop talking to, Im done with all your BS cos all you ever did to my life is to piss the shit out of me.



Happy new year!!

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