Monday, December 2, 2013

Wrath of People in Social Media

and why some other people think they are too cool for it.

People think they are too cool for the social media now. I really hate social media. I really do.

People have made up different rules of what to do and what not to do in social media and now you don't really know what to post and what not to post anymore. Whatever happened to the times when people start hyping about the newly discovered social media and everyone was so excited to share albums at (then) Multiply! I remember when almost everyone in class has their own camera so we can just take pictures of us everyday and share it on Multiply but now it is so uncool for you to do that anymore. Like people think you're crazy for doing this. Like you can't do that anymore because people will think you are too bored for sharing all your stuff in the social media. I am guilty of this!! I tend to judge people who overly post collages (note: collages not just pictures) of them on the same event on Instagram. My point here is that it is so easy to judge other people for what they are doing because we think we are too cool for those kinds of things that I think we might someday be guilty of doing also.




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